
Our school has the best facilities so that students can be comfortable and work both as a team and individually.

St. George is located in the residential area of the Sarriá neighbourhood, in the city of Barcelona. It has several buildings on an area of more than one hectare of land where the English national curriculum is taught to children from 2 years of age.

All classrooms are spacious, bright and air-conditioned. Classrooms are adapted and equipped for all different ages of children. The school has specific classrooms such as music class, art room, computer rooms, libraries, science laboratories, indoor gym, auditorium, own kitchen and dining room. There are also sports courts and green areas with great botanical diversity for different activities and age groups.

Our facilities offer a pleasant, stimulating and ecological environment to encourage student learning and development. Our commitment to work for the future of children entails the responsibility of working in their academic education, education in values and in respect for the environment.

Leading by example is at the heart of our school, so in addition to following recycling programs, we use renewable energy to regulate the temperature in the school. We use photo voltaic and geothermal energy and we have green areas on the school roofs. “Green roofs” help fight pollution and to improve the quality of the air.

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