At St. George Barcelona we know how important reading is for children. That is why we hold a couple of Book Fairs during the school year and invite an author or illustrator so that the children can get to know first-hand a creator of these magical stories.
From St. George Barcelona, we are aware that today children have greater access to online shopping of stories and novels in English, but have few opportunities to look at these books first hand and under the recommendations of teachers and the bookseller , discover new authors, new styles and new stories that will help them expand and enrich their vocabulary, reading comprehension and writing.
The habit of reading is tremendously beneficial for the child, it helps them to develop their creativity, fantasy and imagination. It encourages concentration, attention and empathy and also stimulates the memory and develops curiosity.
When children are little, we encourage parents to read with them at home, so we also try and strengthen this habit in parallel. We know that these moments are very special and children enjoy them enormously, they are moments that will remain in their memory more than the story in itself.