At St George school we have four houses which are represented by all St George student and staff members. Children join a house when they enter the school and stay in this house until they leave.
Our 4 houses are as follows –

Successful houses have to work as a team. Successful teamwork is based on not only working and playing as a team but also recognising and promoting the individual talents of all house members, encouraging respect for team leaders.
Each of the 4 Houses has two student selected Captains, one boy and one girl and their duty is to lead their house. This could be in organising the teams for a competition, calling house meetings to discuss improvements for their team’s performance or being a good role model around the school.
The system of House points is applied to many different areas of the school in which pupils compete as a team. House points are accumulated throughout the year for a variety of sporting, creative, academic and other activities as well as the school values certificates. Annual competitions include Sports Day, Speech competition, Talent show, and many other creative and academic challenges.
Pupils are very proud of their House and encourage fellow House members to participate in the best ways they can. We try to make sure there is a wide variety of events taking place throughout the year, so that all pupils are able to find something they can offer to their House.
The winning House is awarded the Annual House Point Shield at the end of each year.